Main Page - Dungeons and Dragons
Well, I've done it. I created a wiki. This particular wiki is a collaborative D&D setting, called Polaqu. Check here! And no, you may not be admins or sysops just becuase you're my friends. Sorry.
We nock arrows. We slap people to heal them. We lop off heads of Orcs. We balance precariously on a rope bridge. We eat fried Orc eyes. We wet our pants (repeatedly). We are the valiant warriors in the realm of...the basement. I mean...Dungeons and Dragons.
Well, I've done it. I created a wiki. This particular wiki is a collaborative D&D setting, called Polaqu. Check here! And no, you may not be admins or sysops just becuase you're my friends. Sorry.
Like me, I'll bet at least half of you are mad because you don't get to play D&D enough. Right? Well, I am. So I decided that it would be fun to set up a blog to roleplay on. That's when I found this diceless roleplaying system, called Epitome. Diceless roleplaying, you say? How does that work? Easy. Little to no combat. Sorry. But frankly, I often prefer the strategy of D&D to the combat. Hence why I like arcane magic and not fighter-types. I've already set up a blog, located at If you're interested, check out both Epitome's website and also the new blog, where I've posted the rules to a campaign. Do note that this is not D&D. Do not think that it is D&D. And if not enough of you guys like the idea, then I'll call the whole thing off. Comment to this post only on how much you like the idea. E-mail me if you'd like to join, also send in what type of character you'd play. quiggy [at] gmail [dot] com.
Gus is in, as the GM. So send your character's info to gus [dot] robbins [at] gmail [dot] com. But still email me to join in.
Whatever milks your guernsey! Whatever churns your butter! Whatever whips your cream!
Why are all of mine dairy-related? Creepy.
Ben, the idea is that its not a replacement for D&D, its a way to get us to hopefully lessen the "MUST PLAY D&D" attitude that we all get. I don't think that people would randomly drop out once they're in, because it has almost no time commitment. Its called "What have they done? Oh, the GM posted that we're in a large city with a whole bunch of shops. *types* 'I go and look for a ring that will make me able to levitate two feet off the ground.'" And Doug, I don't want to think about why all that is milk-related...
It's worth a try.
And Quiggy: Or do you?
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