Friday, March 18, 2005

Main Page - Dungeons and Dragons

Well, I've done it. I created a wiki. This particular wiki is a collaborative D&D setting, called Polaqu. Check here! And no, you may not be admins or sysops just becuase you're my friends. Sorry.


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Saturday, March 12, 2005

Non-D&D Online Roleplaying

Like me, I'll bet at least half of you are mad because you don't get to play D&D enough. Right? Well, I am. So I decided that it would be fun to set up a blog to roleplay on. That's when I found this diceless roleplaying system, called Epitome. Diceless roleplaying, you say? How does that work? Easy. Little to no combat. Sorry. But frankly, I often prefer the strategy of D&D to the combat. Hence why I like arcane magic and not fighter-types. I've already set up a blog, located at If you're interested, check out both Epitome's website and also the new blog, where I've posted the rules to a campaign. Do note that this is not D&D. Do not think that it is D&D. And if not enough of you guys like the idea, then I'll call the whole thing off. Comment to this post only on how much you like the idea. E-mail me if you'd like to join, also send in what type of character you'd play. quiggy [at] gmail [dot] com.


At 4:48 PM, Blogger Igor said...

Gus is in, as the GM. So send your character's info to gus [dot] robbins [at] gmail [dot] com. But still email me to join in.

At 1:21 PM, Blogger Doug said...

Whatever milks your guernsey! Whatever churns your butter! Whatever whips your cream!

Why are all of mine dairy-related? Creepy.

At 3:16 PM, Blogger Igor said...

Ben, the idea is that its not a replacement for D&D, its a way to get us to hopefully lessen the "MUST PLAY D&D" attitude that we all get. I don't think that people would randomly drop out once they're in, because it has almost no time commitment. Its called "What have they done? Oh, the GM posted that we're in a large city with a whole bunch of shops. *types* 'I go and look for a ring that will make me able to levitate two feet off the ground.'" And Doug, I don't want to think about why all that is milk-related...

At 4:03 PM, Blogger Doug said...

It's worth a try.

And Quiggy: Or do you?


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