Saturday, December 25, 2004

LotR Festival

LotR! 2
Whoa! Looks like I got the LotR trilogy - all three extended editions - for Christmas.

A thought occurs to me.

Here it is: I did the math, and all together the running time of all three extended editions comes to approximately 724 minutes, or 12.066666666666666 hours. What if we were to get together for an over-night geek festival, where we watch all three LotR movies back-to-back-to-back? I've got a big screen TV that's begging to be used, and my dad got a wicked set of Klipsch 5.1 surround sound speakers that just need to be set up.

So, how about it? School starts up again for me on the 6th, so sometime before that would be ideal. In fact, we could even combine it with a New Year's party if possible.

Thus far my parents have given me the all-clear.

Comment, you fools, comment!

Edit: The speakers have been set up, they just have to be positioned.

Edit: Oh, and Merry Christmas! Or Hanukkah! Or Kwanzaa! Or Festivus! Or whatever.


At 5:56 PM, Blogger Igor said...

Me got it too.

At 7:11 PM, Blogger Doug said...

So when can you do it!?

At 10:39 PM, Blogger Doug said...



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