Folks, 99% chance of Eberron happening, seeing as how tomorrow I'm ordering the Campaign Setting. I need a list of people who want to play. If four or more people play, lvl 4 characters. If less than that, lvl 5 characters. Only PHB races allowed. Subraces not allowed either. Standard point buy, 25 points (See DMG, pg. 169). No magic items with CL greater than 5 for the prereqs. 9,000 gp. I suggest you also order an ECS if you're playing. Check out the Barnes & Noble website, you can get them CHEAP there. More to come, possibly, later.
I'll be there... Oh yes.
No subraces?! Danmm it all!
sure il go, but you cant have it at your house, you live to far away quig.
Spork, where do you live? I only live like 10 minutes from Monty G. It can't be too far away.
Wayne. She lives in Wayne.
Wayne, eh? How far's that from Monty G?
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